South Northamptonshire Council

Capacity, Finance, CPO, Funding, Procurement, Developer Negotiations

Urban Delivery advised South Northamptonshire Council, WNDC and Northamptonshire County Council on the regeneration of the Moat Lane site in the centre of Towcester. The site is extremely sensitive and contains Bury Mount; a Scheduled Monument, listed buildings and is covered by the Watling Street Conservation Area. 

The project regenerated the site to provide a strengthened town centre in advance of the planned development of a significant urban extension to the town. It delivered new Council Offices and County Library, a micro-brewery, residential homes, a variety of small retail units, and significant new open spaces. It has won several awards and was highlighted as best practice.

Over £17.5 million was secured through Growth Area Funding, a CPO was confirmed, along with planning policy, direct development was undertaken to de-risk the project and refurbish Bury Mount. Soft market testing helped inform the procurement procedure and developers Morgan Sindall and Clayson Country Homes were appointed to deliver a phased programme, under development agreements.

The project also secured over 20 hectares of Watermeadows which provide a major new open space for the town, its residents and visitors.

Advice included:

financial modelling and development appraisals

planning policy

masterplanning and planning applications

inputs on land acquisition and land use optimisation

compulsory purchase

public funding bids and appraisals

delivery strategy and developer procurement

public partnering and strategy

project co-ordination and management


Nelson Quay, King's Lynn