Commercial, Financial Viability, Phasing and Delivery Advice
Urban Delivery provided advice alongside Mae Architects and a wide-ranging team of experts to create a robust and viable Masterplan for the proposed 10,000 homes £6bn regeneration project at Meridian Water.
The area extends to over 100 acres and is bounded to the north by the North Circular and to the east by the Lea Valley. Historically the area has been industrial in nature with the more recent addition of major retail provision.
The project has already delivered a new railway station called Meridian Water and has captured over £150m of HIF funding for core infrastructure and remediation for part of the site.
The project is being led by the London Borough of Enfield and is aiming to deliver to the highest environmental standards, provide up to 30% of the area as open space, deliver new schools, 40% affordable housing and significant space to nurture creative and start-up businesses as well as wide-ranging cultural and community facilities.
Advice included:
Commercial advice
Financial viability
Delivery options
Coordination with adjoining landowners

Mae Architects

Mae Architects

Mae Architects

Mae Architects