Financial Viability, Phasing and Delivery Advice
Urban Delivery was appointed as part of the Jestico +Whiles team for the regeneration of several small estates east of Canning Town, located on both sides of the A13.
The project has tested options for density, mix and to achieve a target 50% affordable homes, create new open spaces, improve connectivity across the A13 and optimise linkages with both Canning Town tube station and the Elizabeth Line at Custom House. The project is aiming to deliver over 1,300 homes.
Urban Delivery has led the financial viability analysis and helped to guide the programme and phasing to create a resilient approach to the evolution of the location over an anticipated 10 years delivery, and to set up the conditions to capture uplift in value as phases are delivered and the quality of the location improves.
Phase 1 at Vincent Street is now on site and planned for completion in 2025.
Advice included:
Regeneration uplift and value capture
Option testing
Phasing and programme
Financial viability and sensitivity testing

Jestico + Whiles

Jestico + Whiles

Jestico + Whiles