Thanet District Council
Strategic and Viability Advice, CPO and Expert Witness
Urban Delivery was instructed by Thanet District Council to provide advice on the proposed acquisition of the then former Dreamland Amusement Park site in Margate. Dreamland was a popular tourist attraction in Margate, originally opened in the 1920’s and featured the UK’s first rollercoaster which remains on site and is a listed structure.
The redevelopment of the site and creation of a heritage amusement park, building on the historic attractions, represented one of the Council’s major regeneration objectives for the seaside town, adding to the success of the Turner Contemporary.
Urban Delivery worked with the Council to prepare a series of development options for the heritage amusement park and adjacent land. The results of the appraisal work provided a platform of information from which the Council could determine its land acquisition strategy. With the prospect of an acquisition by mutual agreement unlikely, it was agreed that the Council should seek to acquire the site via CPO.
Following preparation of Statement of Case, Proofs of Evidence and a successful public inquiry, in which Urban Delivery was retained to provide regeneration advice, the Council secured the land and Dreamland was reopened in 2015.
Advice included:
Property market research and analysis
Review of planning policy and the formulation of land use proposals
Development appraisals and sensitivity analysis
Advice on CPO strategy
Representation at public inquiry