Strategic Regeneration, Financial and Delivery Advice
Urban Delivery and Levitate Architecture and Design Studio were appointed by the Council to help inform the potential acquisition of the closed health centre and surrounding land. The ambition was to secure a health facility for the town and deliver assisted living and other types of homes, including Homes for Heros.
The work involved assessing the refurbishment potential of several existing buildings, establishing the development potential of the surrounding land and creation of appropriate parking, landscape, and connection improvements to the adjacent centre of Thirsk.
Options were tested at a variety of densities and high-level financial viability assessments undertaken. Delivery options were also considered based on the assumption the Council could purchase the land and buildings.
Advice included:
Property Market Research and Analysis
Review of Planning Policy and the Evolution of Land Use Proposals
Financial Viability and Sensitivity Testing
Strategic Delivery Advice

Levitate Architecture & Design Studio

Levitate Architecture & Design Studio

Levitate Architecture & Design Studio